MPSC - ITSP Search

Company Contact Information

These companies have registered with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) per Commission Order U-11900 and Sec. 211a of the Michigan Telecommunications Act (MTA)

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Company Contact: Clear Rate Communications, LLC
2600 W. Big Beaver Road Suite450
Troy, Michigan 48084, United States
 (248) 556-4500
 (248) 556-4501
Customer Contact: Jason Hendrix
2600 W. Big Beaver Road Suite450
Troy, Michigan 48084, United States
 (877) 877-4799
 (877) 877-5225
Registered as: Broadband: DSL; Fiber; Wireless
Competitive Access Provider (CAP)
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC)
Toll Reseller (TR)
Voice Over Internet Protocol Provider (VoIP)
Wireless Provider Type: Mobile